As you may have noticed, this project seems to have run out of steam. I’m hoping that this is merely a temporary pause in the action; but the truth of that matter is that I’m experiencing a bit of a block. For various reasons, I just can’t seem to write at the moment. My experience is that these things come and go. When it will go, however, is unpredictable.
My collaborators, as always, are free to post when they’ve got something. I’ll be doing the same. And hey, if you think you might like to take a whack at it, email me.
In the meantime, I’d like to point to toward a couple of sites that might be of interest. If you’re at all into early electronics, psych, or prog, I highly recommend checking out Mutant Sounds. I’ve found a lot of really interesting and obscure things there – along with a few duds, of course, but that’s to be expected.
On the soul side of the scale, there’s, um, soul sides; top-notch commentary and history, plus some great music. In a similar vein, Funky 16 Corners is also worth a visit.
I hope to have some new content here soon. We’ll see what happens, I guess.