We took a long weekend, Science Girl and I, and got the hell out of town. I was feelin’ the screws coming down on me, in a big way, so it was time to light out for the sticks for a bit and recalibrate. We got a cat-sitter for Martin, packed Lucy in the car, and spent a few days at a cabin near Sunset Falls, just outside of the lovely town of Index.
It was quite nice, if somewhat wet off and on. It rained most of Saturday. Aside from a side trip into the town of Index*, we spent most of the day hanging out at the cabin, reading and playing Scrabble. It was very relaxing for us, but between the sound of the falls (about 25 – 30 yards away; given that it had been raining for awhile and the spring melt was just beginning, it was amazingly loud), the rain, and the occasional freight train rumbling through the night, Lucy was a little nervous.
Sunday made up for that, though; we went to Wallace Falls. The only thing Lucy likes more than snacktime is running up a trail and playing Forest Dog. We’d been there before, a couple of years ago; since SG is still recuperating from an injury to her Achilles tendon, we stopped at the picnic shelter this time. That made it about a three mile round trip, I think, all of which Lucy took as fast as we would let her. Aside from a couple of off-leash dogs who gave Lucy some grief (and the pea-brained owners of said dogs, who frankly don’t deserve them), it was a great outing for all of us.
We came back home yesterday, stopping at the Serpentarium on the way. SG had been wanting to go there since she was a kid. Reptiles aren’t really my thing (venomous ones less so, and spiders of any sort even less than that), but this was fairly painless & SG enjoyed it, so there you go.
It’s a quick trip up to Index – about an hour, I think – so I imagine we’ll be back that way sometime soon. In the meantime, I’m back here in the salt mines. I still have pictures to look at, though, which I will share with you. Mine are here, and Science Girl’s are here. (This is quite possibly my favorite photograph ever.)
*Apparently I’m unable to take a trip like this without finding some dubious commercial venture to fall in love with and compulsively fantasize about for the next week or so. This weekend was no different; the historic Bush Hotel (which doesn’t really look like that anymore – these days it’s set up more on the lines of a mid-century motel more than anything else) is on the market. It was a B&B in it’s last incarnation – 10 rooms (two with private bath) upstairs, a restaurant and bar downstairs, plus what looked to be at least one and possibly two small houses in back. The price for the property wasn’t at all bad, but when you factor in getting a liquor license, remodeling the place (I saw at least one broken window, which means water damage), and the fact that, while Index is a nice place, it ain’t exactly booming, PLUS neither SG nor I having any experience in what is euphemistically referred to as “hospitality”… I mean, it was never gonna go any farther than a pleasant diversion for mental vacations while back in the world, really, but that all kinda works to keep it that way.