Science Girl’s dormant interest in photography has been re-awakened. She used to do it all, down to developing the film herself. Then the pressures of time and money got in the way, as they will do, and it sorta went by the wayside. Now she’s getting back into it, one step at a time.
She started going on photography expeditions with Matildaben, who encouraged her to attend a Flickr meet-up in October. SG went and had a really good time. When Matildaben started the Greenlake Flickr group, SG signed right up. (As did I.) The first Greenlake photo stroll was this weekend. SG and I were there – here with her digital camera AND the film camera she’d just busted out of mothballs, and me with my little toy digital that I use to take snapshots.
It was fun, even if I was in a bit over my head. Any excuse to get out and walk around during the winter is a good one, and if it includes going around Greenlake, (or even just halfway, as we did yesterday – it was a fairly sizeable group that quickly spread out, and we got something of a late start, given that the sun sets so early these days), so much the better.
Since I knew that for the most part I wouldn’t be able to get the art shots that everybody else was going for, I concentrated on getting pictures of dogs. Greenlake on a weekend is probably one of the best spots in Seattle for dog watching. (Back before we got Lucy, I used to go there specifically to get a dog fix.) Some of my subjects were too wiggly to sit for a portrait, but I got a couple that aren’t too bad. Yay dogs!
I’m afraid that I might not have left the best impression on SG’s photo buddies, though. I tend to be shy meeting strangers, and doubly so groups of them. Plus, given my hearing loss in my right ear, it’s really hard to track conversation when there are so many people talking at once. The upshot is that I can often seems standoffish and anti-social – which isn’t always entirely inaccurate, to be honest. In this case, though, everyone seemed really nice and agreeable, so I hope I didn’t accidentally blow anyone off by not hearing them when they were speaking to me.
I’m not really a nuts & bolts photography guy. I can appreciate it when someone pulls together a great image; honestly, I do try to do the same, to the best of my ability. I don’t really have the patience required to learn all the tech stuff, though, nor the inclination to spend on new and better equipment and training when there are so many CDs I don’t yet have.
That said, I’m quite happy to see SG picking it back up again. I think she’s got a really good eye for it, for one thing, and of course anything that makes her happy is OK by me. Don’t take my word for it, though; check out her Flickr stream. And, by way of comedic relief, here’s mine.