Hey kids. I’ve been working on a longer piece for y’all, and while I could probably beat into some sort of shape and post it tonight, I think I’d rather take a little more time with it and actually make something out of it. Just for the change of pace, if nothing else.
In the meantime, here’s an update on what’s happening with the proposed really bad idea NASCAR track up in Snohomish. Given how entirely fucked our state’s economy is right now, I’d say this is over before it even begins. No Legislator is gonna be stupid enough to sign off on such a give-away, no matter how many beer vendor jobs it might create. This may just be wishful thinking on my part, but $250 million out of a $300 million price tag PLUS all of the road improvements being requested is more than Washington is willing to put out, much less what the state is capable of.