So, Science Girl and I were discussing Bakerina’s post today regarding candy bars. SG said that she was never that into chocolate bars when she was a kid. She was, however, all about the candy. Her drug of choice was Pixie Stix, which she referred to as being “little sugar bongs for kids”*. That made me laugh pretty hard, but it’s actually a good description.
I never dug them that much myself. They were alright, but chocolate was more my style. As it turns out, that may be genetic. We found out a couple of years ago that my Mom’s family is distantly related to the Hershey family. So, in one sense or another, I’ve always had crappy chocolate in my blood.
Anyway, this post only really exists because of the phrase “sugar bongs for kids”. It’s been a slow day.
As a side note, while I was looking around for Pixie Stix links I came across a couple of recipes for drinks going by that name. I ask you, in all seriousness: who the hell drinks this stuff? Surely not adults? Well, I hope it’s as sweet coming back up as it is going down, ‘cause those two are guaranteed return tickets. Yeesh.
*Think beer bong. Versus, uh, whatever else you might have in mind.