Remember back when I told y’all that Science Girl is a delegate from our precinct? Well, tomorrow morning is the legislative district caucus, the next step on the SG Drive to the Convention. She’ll have to switch over to Kerry to keep going, I think – she’s the one that’s been studying the arcane rules and regulations of the party, not me. I’m just the driver at this point. (And given that she needs to be there by 9:30 AM, I’m going to be the somewhat cranky driver at that.)
Now, if I were a better person, I’d be stopping at the Market on my way back home from dropping SG off & picking up some wonderful fresh produce for dinner. In a perfect world, or even a better one, that’s exactly what I’d do. As I am a deeply flawed inhabitant of this less than perfect world, it is much more likely that I will drive straight home and flop on the couch with the dog, so that I can desperately try to catch up on some sleep. (For those of you just tuning in, I work nights and usually don’t hit the hay until 1:30 or 2.)
If the day is anything like today was, I might try flopping in the backyard, instead. I know I’m on record as being down on “nice” weather, but even I have to admit that today was pretty bitchin’. Blue sky, sun shining through the new leaves on all the trees, flowers blooming everywhere, the whole nine yards. Even the radio was extra groovy. Here’s what I heard on the drive to work (I checked the playlist):
Scissor Sisters “Better Luck”
Eels “Mr. E's Beautiful Blues (Untitled)”
Meow Meow “All I Ever Got”
Inspiral Carpets “Saturn 5”
Throw That Beat In The Garbagecan “Cool”
As much as I love KEXP, it’s not that often that they’ll throw together an entire set that I’ll love from top to bottom. Depending on who’s DJing at the time, usually the best I can hope for is a couple of OK songs in a row followed by a real wobbler or two. Given the dire state of radio in this town, though, that’s an incredible success ratio. Today, however, I was able to get all the way to work and into the parking garage without once having to snap the radio off in a fit of disgust while simultaneously muttering “shut the fuck up” under my breath. So you see, it truly was a red-letter day.
Hey, speaking of radio – Science Girl’s friend Brian, the guy that was booking The Funhouse (no longer, alas), will be on the air Saturday nights 9PM–midnight on KEXP, playing that “punk rock” you’ve heard so much about. Check it out or rue the day; it’s your choice.